Thursday 8 August 2013

It's the little things...

Like all of us, kids get impressed with the little signs that you are REALLY paying attention to them. And they remember it. It took 10 minutes last night to make a "birthday countdown" with Yuri before his bedtime. Yet he was lit up inside out when we put the counter on  the fridge and ripped the first day leaf. He went to bed with it. As he was floating to the dreamland, he said, mom, do you remember how you made a flower band in a park for me and then I gave it to Alissa too?.. And I'm thinking, what a grateful child... he does this often, he reminds me of the things I've done for him months and months ago, small things that don't even take an effort. He remembers. Are we all born with that capability to be so grateful? But then again if I think of it, I remember the little gestures of attention for a long time too. In the end, the little things make all the difference in the world. Hopefully, it will make that difference for him.

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